British Aerospace A340 Leading Edge NC Drilling Machine
Filton, England
AIT delivered a mobile Numerically Controlled Drilling Jig (NCDJ) to Airbus UK, which drilled the A340 leading edge spar assembly. The machine drilled and reamed up to 1-inch diameter holes through aluminum-titanium material stacks on any of four fixed assembly jigs. A dual through bit and mist cooling system allowed drilling of many small diameter holes as well as of more demanding large diameter holes through thick stacks. The NCDJ is capable of drilling both 340-EIS and 340-600 model aircraft.
NCDJs are smaller, more flexible tools than their fixed tooling counterparts. AIT has developed this technology in to provide their customers with the most efficient advanced technological solutions possible.
Project Features
- Mobile 3-axis drilling machine
- Replaces App 200 bushed drill templates
- Drill and ream up to 1" diameter holes in aluminum and titanium stacks
- Drill in zones so that multiple operations can be performed
- Drills 2 models and right- and left-hand spars
- Presents drilling data to operator in M&G format and graphical user interface
- Replaces multiple fixed drilling templates
- Improves hole quality and ergonomics
- Decreases direct labor and cycle time