AIT is experienced in managing multiple major, simultaneous, turnkey projects by leveraging the expertise of its four facilities worldwide. By integrating the functional capabilities among our facilities, we have successfully reduced lead times to as short as seven months from the receipt of an order to delivery, as well as increased reliability and affordability for our customers. In addition, AIT makes every attempt to work with suppliers and subcontractors local to a particular project area. Our technical capabilities, automation systems experience, innovative solutions, and post-installation support ensure that we can provide successful turnkey integration, automated assembly systems, customer jigs, and tools and processes. North America | Europe and Asia
Plano, Texas
Headquarters/Executive Offices, Supply Chain Management, Project Management, Software, Marketing
AIT's worldwide headquarters in Plano, Texas, occupies a 32,000-square-foot office facility, with over 12,000 square feet dedicated to labratory, testing, and product readiness activities. Here AIT houses its executive offices, automated tooling and integration project management, supply chain management, software development, design engineering, HR, and financial management functions. Click here to contact the AIT Plano facility or for a map and driving directions to the location.
Bothell, Washington
Mechanical Design
AIT's facility in Bothell, Washington, near Seattle, specializes in the design of precision machines and tools. Its personnel are experienced in using CATIA, AutoCAD, Pro/E, and SolidWorks. The 5,000-square-foot facility houses 20 CATIA Stations running V4 and V5, conducts stress analysis tests and has Unigraphics capabilities. AIT's Bothell design team works closely with the project managers and mechanical and software engineers at AIT's headquarters to arrive at innovative and efficient solutions that meet our customers’ needs. Click here to contact AIT's Bothell location or for a map and driving directions to the location.
Chesterfield Twp, Michigan
Mechanical Design, Project Management, Contract Manufacturing
AIT Tooling, just outside of Detroit, delivers a broad range of custom equipment, machines, and tooling and provides design services as well as high-precision fabrication, machining and assembly. Click here to contact the AIT Tooling facility or for a map to the location.
Charleston, South Carolina
Montreal, QC, Canada
AIT maintains full-time on-site support and services for our customers’ aircraft programs.
Mechanical Design, Project Management, Contract Manufacturing
Our design and support facility, located in Leganés, Spain , near Madrid, was opened in December 2003. The 3,000-square-foot facility houses 8 CATIA Stations running v4 and v5, FAE, SolidWords and Unigraphics as well as stress analysis testing capability. Its experienced mechanical design staff helps AIT provide fast and efficient service, support and project management to its Europeans projects and customers. Click here to contact the Spain facility or for a map and driving directions to the location.
Umeå, Sweden
Mechanical Design, Project Management, Contract Manufacturing
Our design and support facility located in Umeå, Sweden, specializes in designing, developing, and manufacturing Automated Guided Vehicles and other mobile material handling solutions. Click here to contact the AIT Sweden facility or for a map and driving directions to the location.