AIT Company History
AIT Opens Office in France
AIT Celebrates its 25th Year
AIT to Acquire Nova-Tech Engineering
AIT to Acquire KUKA Systems Aerospace North America
Boeing Performance Award - Silver Level - Michigan Tooling
Boeing awards AIT 777X Mid-Body Assembly Contract
Boeing awards AIT 777X FAUB Drive Wheel Contract
AIT forms strategic partnership with Onex
Lockheed Martin Recognition of Excellence Award
AIT opens Aerospace Components and Services in San Antonio, TX
AIT opens Tooling & Services in Grand Prairie, TX
Lockheed Martin Recognition of Excellence Award
Lockheed Martin Recognition of Excellence Award
Boeing Performance Award - Silver Level
AIT celebrates 20-year milestone
Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation (SAMC) C919 Final Assembly
Lockheed Martin Recognition of Excellence Award
Boeing Gold Performance Award Winner
Boeing Gold Performance Award Winner
Spirit 787 AGV
Bombardier CSeries Forward Fuselage Tooling
Bombardier CSeries Final Assembly Line Tooling
AIT launches AIT Tooling in Michigan
Xi'an Aircraft AGVs
Spirit AeroSystems A350 Flex Track Driller/Fastener System
Bombardier Learjet 85 Tooling
Spirit AeroSystems A350 AGVs/Fuselage Transporters
Embraer 170/175/190/195 Moving Line Tugs
Hawker Beechcraft Hawker 4000 Rate Mate Assembly Tool
The Boeing Company 787 Final Body Join
The Boeing Company 787 Horizontal Stabilizer/HVA Installation Tool
The Boeing Company 787 Circumferential Drilling Machines
Global Aeronautica 787 Circumferential Drilling Machines
Global Aeronautica 787 Side of Body Drilling Machine
Celebration of Enterprise winner
Global Aeronautica 787 Facility Automated Assembly Cell for 45/11 Mate to Sections 43, 44, 46
EADS-CASA Airbus A400M Horizontal Tail Plane (HTP) Integration
AIT opens IMS in Sweden
Global Aeronautica 787 Facility Integrator Assembly Line Aft- and Mid-Body Join
Vought Aircraft Industries 787 Section 47/48 Systems Facility Integrator and Capital Equipment
Spirit AeroSystems 787 Section 41 Mandrel Assembly/Disassembly
AIT Canada office opens
Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Final Assembly
The Boeing Company F/A-18E/F Outer Wing NC Drilling Machine
AIT Spain office opens
Lockheed Martin F-22 AOJ Jacking System
Bombardier G5000 Final Assembly System
Airbus UK A340 Leading Edge NC Drilling Machine
Patent: Numeric Controlled Drilling Jig-5-Axis Aerospace Drilling Machine
Celebration of Enterprise winner
Fairchild Dornier 528, 728, 928 Jet Final Assembly
CASA DO728 Automated Wing Assembly Tooling
The Boeing Company F/A-18E/F Forward Fuselage NC Drilling Machines
The Boeing Company 747 FAIT Major Assembly Production Line
Published Research Paper: An Investigation into the Use of Small, Flexible Machine Tools to Support the Lean Manufacturing Environment
Bombardier Learjet BD100/Challenger 300 Final Assembly Line
The Boeing Company 767 Stage 2 - Spar NC Drilling Machines (NCDJs)
The Boeing Company 767-400 Automated Spar Assembly (ASAT I) Upgrade
Published Research Paper: Automated Positioning and Alignment Systems
Fairchild Dornier 528, 728, 928 Jet Final Assembly
500 Inc.
Pacesetters: Dallas Business Journal’s Fastest Growing Private Companies in the Metroplex
AIT opens Design office in Bothell, WA
Pacesetters: Dallas Business Journal’s Fastest Growing Private Companies in the Metroplex
Dallas 100: SMU Cox School of Business
Published Research Paper: Gaugeless Tooling
Boeing 737 Next Generation Final Body Join System
Boeing 737 Next Generation Wing-to-Body Join System
Boeing 737 Horizontal and Vertical Stabilizer and Mill Bore Positioning System
Boeing 777 Empennage Positioning System
Boeing 767 Wing Stub and Final Body Alignment Monitoring System
Northrop Grumman B-2 Automated Radar Positioning System
McDonnell Douglas C-17 Automated Fuselage and Wing Alignment
Boeing 777 Automated Alignment System
Ed Chalupa launches Advanced Integration Technology, Inc.