AIT Awarded Contract For XI’AN Aircraft AGVs
Automated Guided Vehicles for use in autoclave production
PLANO, TX – January 4, 2010 - Advanced Integration Technology (AIT), a leading industrial automation company delivering fully integrated plant floor systems to the aerospace industry, has been selected by Xi’an Aircraft International Corporation to design, develop and build two automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems for use at their facility in Tianjin Xingang, China. These automated AGVs will be used primarily to transport aircraft fixtures into and out of an autoclave as well as for general use around the factory.
Working as a single or in tandem, the AGVs can operate in either auto-guidance or manual mode. They are also equipped with a hydraulic lifting system for a controlled, level lift of fixtures and wing molds. Additionally, a guidance system will be used in the autoclave to ensure precise placement and movement reliability at all times. With multi-function wireless control, the XAC team will have total control of the AGV’s omni-directional movement for ultimate flexibility.
“The opportunity to work with Xi’an Aircraft on this project is a milestone achievement for AIT,” said AIT President Ed Chalupa. “We look forward to a continued successful working relationship with XAC and the delivery of the automated AGVs in 2010.”
AGV specifications:
Base dimensions: 6000 x 2500 x 700 mm
Load capacity: 20,000 lbs in stand-alone mode
Estimated weight: 8000 kg
Lift stroke: 200 mm
Speed loaded: 10-15 m/min
Speed unloaded: 10-40 m/min
Position accuracy: +/- 7 mm
About AIT
Founded in 1992, AIT is a leading industrial automation company delivering fully integrated plant floor systems to the aerospace industry. We design, engineer, manufacture, and install machines and systems for the automated assembly of aerospace structures, including fuselage, wings, and empennage. Relying on the strength of our diverse team of engineering pros, AIT has a leading position as the predominant integrator and prime contractor to the world’s foremost aerospace companies, with hundreds of systems installed worldwide. Learn more at www.aint.com.